
Airtel Tariff and "All lines are busy"

The online guide of Hindi blogs, Funtoosh is of the opinion that drop in Airtel tariff in all categories- Local, STD and Roaming, has a lot to with "All Lines are busy" error that so frequently play when you call to or from Airtel Phones. Interesting observation-

देश की मोबाइल ओपेराटर कंपनी एअरटेल ने अपनी कॉल दरें घटा तो दी हैं
[सभी एस.टी.डी कॉल १.५० रूपये प्रति मिनट ॥
रोमिंग में इन्कोमिंग कॉल १.०० रूपये प्रति मिनट।
और हरेक लोकल कॉल १.०० रूपये प्रति मिनट॥]
लेकिन इन कारणों की वजह से अब एअरटेल में भी सभी लाइनें व्यस्त शुरू हो गयीं हैं ॥:)

Violence and Sex are Happily Married Couple

Violence is violence, killing, blood and primarily hatred. On the other hand Sex is love, tender, touchy. But you need to be slightly deep observer of surrounding and of History to realize that these two are not just related but are very much married. Abhay has always been a keen, well read and observant. Coming out post after pots that put makes readers feel..hey I should have written like this :)

In his recent post Abhay traces this relationship between sex and violence. This journey goes through the lexical and then historical. Gandhiji was deep indulging in sex (understandably with Baa) while his father was dying in the next room. Abhay wonders that was it just out of lust or because he was enveloped with that darkness of death?

मगर फिर भी ये सेक्स वायलेंस के साथ वैसे ही जुड़े रहता है जैसे प्रकाश के साथ अँधेरा जुड़ा रहता है। मैंने अक्सर पाया है कि मृत्यु से बेहद घबराए लोग सेक्स की गोद में जा गिरते हैं। गाँधीजी ने जो अपनी आत्म कथा में लिखा है वो कोई अपवाद नहीं है – वे अपनी पिता के मृत्यु के ठीक पहले अपनी पत्नी के साथ सहवास कर रहे थे। मैं नहीं जानता कि गाँधी जी ने ‘शुद्ध वासना’ में ऐसा किया या मृत्यीले अँधेरे से घबरा कर?

So sex as per this analysis is not just eroticism of body, union of male body with female one but is escape from death yet very much the death itself as signified in violent acts of humankind like war.

Blogosphere is informed  (All Bloggers are feed publishers dummies excluded) that there is something great in store from feedburner. Hmm..

If you are a feed advertiser, don't worry: we have some happy surprises coming for you as well, and if you are an advertiser who is not yet a feed advertiser, you too shall be blessed with good fortune

The news might not make much of a difference to Hindi Bloggers in general as feed subscribers figures are abysmally low for Hindi. In fact No Hindi Blogger is subscribed by 500 readers, so not a big deal but taking in account that some of these do have English blogs, news is important.

But be a reader for a minute, its sad. If you don't like reading a patchy blog (Like this one) with not so great ads around, you always had the option of switching to feedreaders and get a feed without ads. Now the big question is that does this announcement means that readers will have to bear the ads with feeds, than I feel sorry for them.

KPS Gill- The Super Flop Cop Goes

Now while KPS gill is gone. He is sacked, IHF is dissolved. Indian Hockey can look forward. Hockey can now move in just one direction, upward because it just can't go down anymore. It is already at bottom, We are not playing Olympics.

It is important to note that KPS Gill ran out of friends after taking on Sports minister and parliament. earlier in the week He hit back the sports minister for suggesting that youngsters should take up IHF. New team that will look after affairs of Indian Hockey now, do have hockey legends of yesteryears including Dhanraj Pillay.

Update: This post by sachin is blunt

हमारी भारतीय हॉकी को तो वो पुलिसवाला गिल खा गया............उसने पंजाब हमारी झोली में डाला था इसलिए हमें लगा कि वो हॉकी को भी हमारी झोली में डाल देगा लेकिन उसने तो इस खेल का नाश मार दिया..............इतना कि वो रसातल से भी कहीं अधिक नीचे धंस गई...............अब एक अन्य गिल उस हॉकी को बचाने आए हैं...........ये हमारे खेल मंत्री हैं लेकिन उन्हें दो लोग पकड़कर चलते हैं..................केपीएस ने जहाँ डेढ़ दशक तक भारतीय हॉकी की बजाई वहीं ओलंपिक समिति के सुरेश कलमाड़ी साहब अन्य खेलों की बजा रहे हैं। वो भी कोई दशक भर से ओलंपिक समिति पर सांप की तरह कुंडली मारकर बैठे हैं...............


Ban slapped on Harbhajan

Something of this sort was expected, and here it came. Farukh Engineer who was match referee and adjudicator ruled against the of spinner. This slap (or punch whatever you call it) will costs Harbhajan a whopping 3 Crores.

Hindi blogging is obviously more shocked by this figure. IPL inspired new Hindi Blog Khel Khiladi declares Harbhajan the King of stupidity and calls this decision a costly Slap.  As far as news is concerned the BCCI was already under pressure to show it guts. Lalit Modi's statement says it all..

"After looking into the video footage in the presence of Sreesanth, complainant Neil Maxwell (Kings XI Punjab CEO), Harbhajan and Lalchand Rajput, (Mumbai Indians coach), and managers of both sides and considering the submissions from both sides and in view of Harbhajan's admission Match Referee Farukh Engineer found him guilty of level 4.2 offence.

"Accordingly, he (Harbhajan) has been banned for the rest of the IPL matches besides 100 per cent fine on his match fees,"

While you look at Sandeep Singh's post, please don't miss the photo gallery he assorted at the right sidebar. especially the Harbhajan and the bikini girl...Hindi blogging is getting naughtier.


Earlier Related Posts

Harbhajan's Slap : Bhajji ko Gussa Kyon Aata hai?

Was it a slap or a punch?- It was a kantaap


Patriotic Launch of PSLV-C3

Hindi blogosphere is jubilant on news of successful Launch of satellite Launch vehicle PSLV with Remote Sensing cartosat and mini satellite apart from nano satellites. A total of 10 satellites were put into orbit. This achievement is very significant for ISRO's foothold in satellite launch vehicle market.

Balwinder informs in very patriotic way the launch and its success. Tone is jubilant and surely a first is also discovered, though Russia launched 16 satellites in one go last year but 10 from ISRO has more weight.

Was it a slap or a punch?- It was a kantaap

Now what is that? Hey kantaap...kantaap is kantaap just like kantaap. It is among those Hindi word that can not be translated without eroding its matter. Fursatiya is ace Hindi blogger who is delving his ideas on what it was! That flew from Harbhajan Singh Bhajji's hand reached the Sreesanth's Cheeks. Bhajji wasn't peking that's for sure. There is already a debate. Both harbhajan and Sreesanth agree that it was not a slap. They differ on what it was. While elder brother (like) Harbhajan says it was not slap, it was nothing. 'Similarly' Sreesanth believes that yes it was not slap because it was full blown Punch.

Fursatiya is wondering why in the world so much halla gulla on a brotherly kantaap.

अपने यहां संयुक्त परिवारों में प्रेम प्रकट करने के कुछ तरीकों में यह तरीका बहुत चलन में था। जिससे बहुत प्यार करते हैं उसकी गाहे-बगाहे पिटाई करते रहो। गाल पर झापड़ मारना प्यार की मोहर लगाने के समान होता था। बाप-बेटे में अक्सर इसी प्रेम का चलन था। बड़े भाई -छोटे भाई भी बिना कापी राइट की चिंता किये इसे अपनाते रहे। हरभजन और श्रीसंत अपनी उज्ज्वल पारिवारिक परंपराओं से जुड़ने का प्रयास करते हैं तो दूसरों को क्यों जलन हो?

Big brothers keep slapping young ones since ages :) especially it was very natural for big brothers in front of beautiful cheerleaders to boast their being big by slapping. It is fun reading the comments as well.

NDTVites maneuvers UN population awards

Uma Shankar informs the Hindi Blog world that NDTV journalist Avinash and his fellow friends run Betiyon Ka Blog is chosen by UN population Fund, similarly NDTV journalist Brajmohan also get a award for its gender sensitive reporting. Kudos to award Winners.

Betion ka Blog is a collective blog moderated by Avinash. Contributors to the blog are fathers (and sometimes mothers) who writes about activitis of their daughters. Blog came into light last week when it chose to unceremonious dumping of its members Jitendra Chowdhary who is among the seniormost Hindi Blogger and with whom Avinash had deep differances right since the Narad era. Everything goes with these media guys :)


Harbhajan's Slap : Bhajji ko Gussa Kyon Aata hai?

They were part of a team and they are really good at annoying opponents but when they are opponents to each other it gets uglier. We are talking Bhajji and Sresanth of course.

It happened like this, match was over, Bhajji's team beaten again. Sreesanth went to Bhajji saying "Hard Luck" and Santa Singh of Indian Team who incidentally is Mumbai Indian's skipper just got lose. His luck got harder...He actually slapped this young man, Who just broke down. Down with tears, everyone from his team was consoling Sreesanth. News was in making.

What I like about this incident is that TV seems to have missed it, at least so far there is no clip actually showing the golden slap. So the news is actually a Bloggers news rather then a TV one. Hours are being spent on Harbhajan's behavior, it is also being underlined that Harbhajan has later apologized to Sreesanth. But to me such news really are amusing. Looking at Hindi Blogs, the Mamta TV highlights the incidents asking Harbhajan Ko Gussa kyon Aata hai? 

I'll try to update with whatever video I'll get.

Update : Here is one...unconsolable Sreesanth



It movie time. Ajay Brahmatmaj in his chavvani chap brings the review of latest Yashraj Films Production Tashan. Geting a Hindi review on the first day itself that too from a top notch critic is really good for Hindi Blogging.

In his post Ajay consider the whole movie a tashan of Yashraj films. Glaring set, computer graphics, other cinema techniques, music, vulgarity and other masala- in whole a lump sum masala. Besides the movie as he consider is a fantasy and Ajay fear that it may not be undrstood properly by the mass. In this fantasy music, dance, glamour, violence, drama everything is pushed in the name of Desi Tashan only thing that is lacking is "story"

टशन एक फंतासी है। मॉर्डन तकनीक और टेस्ट की फंतासी, जो संभव है कि देश के अधिकांश दर्शक नहीं समझ पाएं। टशन की टीम ने रंगीन, आकर्षक, चमकदार, हैरतअंगेज, काल्पनिक और लाउड किस्म की इस फंतासी में नाच-गाना, रोमांस, अश्लील संवाद और हरकतें सब कुछ देसी टशन के नाम पर ठूंस दिया है। बस, एक ही चीज छूट गयी है ....वह है कहानी। फिल्म का प्रभाव बढ़ाने के लिए बैकग्राउंड म्यूजिक भी इतना लाउड है कि कानों पर असर करता है।

Whatever is pushed in the name of story is a revenge by daughter. A rickshaw puller killed the father of Pooja and she does a lot of doable and non doables to take her revenge. Violence and valuelessness prevails in the movie through out.

Movie or IPL, given a choice I'll chose later.

Questioning TRP is Dangerous Business

What will you call a country where Central cabinet Ministry on record and on the floor of house admits that not only the TRP business of this country is being run by mafia but even the minister himself is threatened not once or twice but five times. Opposition members is also threatened....We call such a country, A Democracy. Free one. Goons are running the channels and surely they are powerful.

What is TRP, it is Television Rating Point. Punditji points out that calculating TRP is not clean. Boxes are installed at selected places with malafide intentions. Whole eastern and North Eastern part is neglected. Why so...! If you believe that calculating TRP is just an image question than hold on, it is Big Big Buck issue. Increased TRP even if faulty results in big Admoney in tunes of hundreds Crores of Rupees.

What surprises me is that while Hindi Blogging is full of Journalists and conscious keepers. They keep reprimanding the just about everyone for not being sensitive enough for someone hurt in Gaza, Greenland or Gaba. How about what is happening their backyard...Their own Lalaji Channels. their masters are not only befooling a 120 Crores country but are threatening the elected ministers but here Ravishs and Avinashs wont utter a word. Sab Theek thak hai...


Cheerleader issue is far more complex than it appears. First thing is that cheerleader will not be able to perform at Navi Mumbai Match of IPL. Reason is that Mumbai Police has refused to grant permission to them to be there in match. police official as quoted in today's HT says that cricketers are there to perform and spectators are there to cheer...fine logic I suppose.

Understandably some Chokherbalis will be disappointed, after all police just can't stop its own constables one of whom raped a 12 year old girl in Delhi yesterday, but they are going all out to stop these girls from doing what they are best at.

If we dig dip we find that problem arose because these cheerleader complained that crowd was not nice to them, they were passing lewd comments and gestures on blaw blaw..

My opinion that may not please the feminists is that it is not exactly a case of women empowerment. I am not putting a case that revealing dresses justifies rape or rude behavior, but in case of cheerleaders things are far more complex. It is the question of very functionality, why are these cheerleader here? To entertain.. what entertainment... Not cricket surely. Why these costumes and gestures?  Add the cultural difference and Gori Skin (Grotto admit that we as race are no less racist) All these ingredients are sure recipe for making enthusiastic yet rogue spectators to fall stray. Period.

Hindi gets peanuts as Adsense Dollar

Dinesh comes out with his data of last five months and two blogs. Figure is unimpressive but expected, hold your breath it is $3.13. Okay lets take the mathematics forward, it comes to $ 0.31 per blog per month. Hey its round figure 1 penny per day per blog.

Mind it Dinesh is no lazy blogger, he writes and comments and read. So he gives enough time to blogging and content as well. Story is same for any Hindi Blogger. Dinesh still advocates having adsense on blogs because it will be a major attraction for blogging in times to come.

Is Nareepol or Naree phol image a fraud?


It is!!

If you are on Internet for more then five minutes than you know what I am talking about. It is about this image:


This image is especially uploaded on a site called sreedhara with no detailed research and I would say responsibility.

(The site claims  that this tree is real and one can see it near bangkok)


It is especially so because the site fails to inform of the source of picture. It is also important that prima facie it appears a poor work of photo shop trick. Even if it is not than site admin owe a more authentic information.

The picture pertains to Naree phol (and not Naree Pol) which is actually a mythological story of sort in which a Naree phol (quite like means women-fruit) interacts with a servant. Do look at this  painting. It is taken from here and comment by artist explain the whole thing.

My concept. titled "Naree Phol" is a representation of traditional Thai mythology. My original intention was to preserve the mythological values as much as possible, but to keep up with the theme of this entry I had to change it quite a bit to portray Master & Servant. I have modified the design and also changed certain historical values, but I have still kept the mythology alive in the design. My concept here is that the man was an evil character, now though with the divine intervention of Goddess Naree Phol he has turned not only into an honest person but also he serves as her protector.

narre phol2

So I'll brand this effort as a digital superstition if not fraud.

Lexicology of the word 'Chutia'

Chutia and chutiapa has nothing to do with cute. It is quite at par with the F*** word. Hindi formals could never stabilise its relationship with this word. Unlike 'Gadha', 'Ullu' or may be 'Kutta' and Kamina ( 'Kutte Kamine mein tera khun pee jaunga' of Dharmendra was never axed by censor board)  this slang has definitely uneasy realtionship with Hindi World. While everyone understand and most use formal expressions obviously avoid it. But here is the catch... due to Hindi belt of eastern UP and Bihar, literature is compfortable with this slang and at least the bold writers (male surely) like to boast their guts by daring to use it, sometime even in print.

Now comes the blogging. It borrows a lot (including bloggers) from this Hindi belt  so comes this word. Look at this post from Sanjay Tiwari- कवियों और चूतियों की भाषा- Ok, here the chutia is for adding pun what how and why? Word surely refers to body part (linke all slang women body part) and by no means goes that close to meaning intended. Sanjay is probably using it for its sensational co-efficient. Be it.

And yes before his argument gets lost in this word prank study, He argues that Hindi is damn f***ed by Sahityawalas (I agree with sanjay) and other other (Chu***s)

Internet Chat can be suicide pill for your Kid

Going by the profile of Dr. Mahesh first thing you realise is Oh!! he is not a guy from digital world. Very profile is definitely a big mouth. Being big mouth is hardly liked in Internet world. So how many nukkad magazines you are published in is something one should keep to oneself. Anyways, Dr Parimal comes with this piece on evils of internet chat.

 chating02Dr Parimal bring forward a trend where internet resources are pushing youngsters to suicide. The peaceful suicide. Analogy is simple..youth is under pressure, they resort to chat where they may get misguidance rather than guidance. Where peers from all over the world will advice them to just finish their life rather than living. And then they will be 'guided' peaceful death resources including suicide pills.

I find the post a typical post that shows concern but fails to analyse the trend. It is just whistle blowing with asking to keep an eye on your kids. Do find out what your kids are watching, stdying and all. There is problem in this approach because it is treating symptoms. Post is still useful.

Yes the news is right. We all know that ShahRukh Khan's Maya Memsaab was a Hot movies by any standard but as it is now coming out of cupboards that actually it was made hotter, thanks to censor board 15 years ago, some part of the explicit scenes were removed from movie. And these very parts are now leaked, and in this age of Internet, now it is damn hard to stop it from proliferation. Some dozens of copies are available on Youtube and other video sharing sites.

ScreenHunter_02 Apr. 22 23.41

Deepa Sahi and SRK in this video are most erotically involved as we all remember a extra marital affair. Scene is available at this link  ( )though it is available at many many many other places as well.


News from the sixth pay commission world (of fairy tale) is not very encouraging. Latest News is that Ministry of Finance has constituted a fresh committee to look into the implementation aspects. These implementation pertains to yet be submitted the revision in original Vi pay commission report. committee has half a dozen members and it is constituted in Expenditure Department of Ministry of Finance. Those especially in Armed forces and IPS can hold some hope but to a common employee it only mean that it will delay implementation by atleast six months.

As Karmchari the Hindi Blog for employees informs the term of this committee is six months beginning April 1, so obviously we are looking at somewhere in Nov DEC atleast. Mind it if election are to be held in March (UPA wont even think to prepone elections considering the Price rise scenario in nation) then Dec-Jan is minimum to look for. My advice postpone the car you planned to buy!!

Related Posts:

Full Report of the sixth Pay Commission is Here

Pay Commission Report News and Breaking it up

Sixth Central Pay Commission : Why is so much confusion

Sixth Pay Commission News is here (as well)

Sixth Pay Commission Report on 20th March

Pay Commission Report Finally Submitted: Forces get a better deal


Death and Blogging

Bloggers do defer several thing, shopping, groceries, doing dishes, dinner, even sex but what you don't know is they probably defer death as well!

Anil is no average blogger. Now he is talking what Chandrabhushan described as morbidity...may be it is. Realisation we are mortals, we'll die some day...we all do. There is nomination for bank account, policy for life...this that but how about blog. Hey Yamraj hold I just can't die, if I do, what the hell will happen to this blog. So Anil has to defer the death, hmm.

Not everyone agrees that postponement is the god Idea, just go ahead declares the Sameer, I'll keep commenting don't you worry. Ya Ya I'll comment on the old posts itself. :) But No consolation worked Anil just could not die, No blogger will.

Do you think I should follow.

Blasphemy ki to Maa ki...Behan Hindi

If this title offends you so will be the title of Chandu Bhai's post. Chandrabhushan is remembering his experiences at Nepal where he met an accident and just while he and co passengers realise that they are probably going to die, the guys decided that enough is enough. Its time to drop hypocracy and be natural..abuse the Allah for treating his followers this bad :)

ठीक तभी अपने पीछे से अंधेरे में मैंने एक आवाज आती सुनी- 'अल्लाह...अल्लाह...अरे तेरी मां की...अरे तेरी बहेन की...अल्लाह...अल्लाह'। और यह विचित्र सा कलमा सुनते ही उस भयानक स्थिति में भी मुझे हंसी आ गई। सच कहता हूं, उस वक्त मुझे लगा कि मेरा जन्म ऐसे ही अवसरों के लिए हुआ है।

And is you call it balsphemy, let it be. To me someone laughing at that stage is sheer The sense of humor. Your take.

Well, why this video? A simple reason is that as lot lot bloggers are cribbing about, the arm twisting attitude of cricket authorities is suggesting that they just don't want us to show clippings of matches. I find is sic really sic. So though I am not a die hard fan of cricket but still I am showing this clipping just to mark my protest and to show you what you deserve :)

This match was played today (10 min ago) and the highlights are of the Royal Challengers batting against the Mumbai Challengers at Vankhede Stadium, Mumbai.

Match was won by Royal Challengers Banglore, therby beating Mumbai in Mumbai.

Love is Nothing but Violence

I am not that sure whether Poetry is a appropriate blog form or not. As far as Hindi Blogging is concerned it has more poets than  bloggers :) Especially if we look at womenfolk (Sorry  it sounds politically incorrect, I am like that only) apart from Chokherbali brand bloggers whom  I an bonded to adore most other are into poetry business and despite being a Hindi teacher and literature lover, I can't stand poems on Internet.  What I like here is dry and live prose and a lot lot experimentation. Therefore I was delighted to see this post from Abha Singh from Bihar.  What a piece it is, a dialogue, a chat, a discourse, a poetry, a drama and a monologue as well. Some excerpts :

meri sachaai kabhi nhi kahti ki aap bina mujhe jaane prem karen,aur ye ki mai prem kar paaun toh hi prem ka dawa karen ....maine aapko kaha tha naa mitr ki mai prem ke khatre janti hoon aur azaadi ke bhi

प्रेम तो निजी अनुभव होता है मित्र


क्‍या नहीं

prem hinsha ke atirikat kuchh nhi

आप वासना को प्रेम कह रही हैं

prem wo hinsa hai jo hame sikhati hai ki ham prem karte hain isliye samne wala bhi hame prem kare

हिंसा तो वहां है ही नही

wasna aur prem ko mai nhi mila rahi , mai prem ki hi baat kar rahi hoon

सामने वाला करे इसमें यह तो नहीं आता

prem kabhi bhi zimedaari nhi lata , bus loot khasot karta

नहीं आप रोमानी प्रेम की बात कर रही हैं , ओह क्‍या बात‍ कर रही हैं आप, इसमे लूट खसोट कहां से आ गयी यार

haan mai usi prem ki baat kar rahi hoon jaha log dawa karte hain , ye loot hi toh hai ki bina jaane ki samne wale ko kya pida ho sakti hai,log chhalang lagate hi chale jaate hain , chaliye gambhir vishaye hai

Which is the most popular Hindi Blog? There are many contenders Fursatiya, Mohalla, Bhadas, GDP ki Mansik Halchal and many others but for its sheer professionalism and traffic NishaMadhulika wins Hands Down. I Know it considering that single post I dedicated to Nisha Madhulika on Holi is still doing well. Another reason may be is that Nisha Madhulika probably isn't a blog as there are no chronicle in it. It is not posts as per dates. So every post (Recipe is live forever); Holi may go but people seeking Gujia Recipe will continue to search. Whatever,this  blog keep me interested for its tasty contents, just look at these popular recipes at NishaMadhulika

  • Dum Aloo Recipe - दम आलू
  • छोले भटूरे (Chole Bhature Recipe)
  • बेसन के गट्टे (Besan ke Gatte)
  • Shahi Paneer Recipe शाही पनीर
  • वेज मोमोज (Vegetable Momos recipe)
  • Dal Bati Recipe Daal Baati दाल बाटी (Dal Batti)
  • चूरमा के लड्डू (Choorma ke Laddoo)
  • गोभी के पराठे (Gobhi Paratha Recipe)
  • बेसन की भरवां मिर्च (Stuffed Mirch)
  • लच्छा परांठा (Lachcha Paratha Recipe)




  • Just a passing post this is. Sanjay informs ( Ishtdeo aptly asks..why?) , later Ankur is also escatic about it that now Amitabh Bachchan do have his personal blog and it is at Bigadda. Amitabh does every thing for money now a days and it is difficult to believe that he became blogger for nothing. Here is the blog that claims to be personal blog of Amitabh Bachchan. Afloo and others believe that it is marketing gimmick of Anil Ambani's Adda. I Agree.


    Sexual Pleasure and Eunuchs : Half Life Full Pain

    That's really bold a theme for a post in regular mainstream Hindi blogging, it sure is. But Hindi blogging does not stop surprising us all. Yesterday there was a post by Manisha. Manisha blogs at Ardhsatya. Tagline of this blog is हम अधूरे इंसान अगर सच भी बोलें तो लोग कहते हैं उसे "अर्धसत्य" ( crudely it  translates to - Even our truth is half truth as we are half human) Half because the blogger identifies itself (his/herself) as Manisha Hizra (eunuch). It is soul stirring to read Manisha.

    Latest Post by Manisha blasts the myth of sexual pleasure of eunuchs, besides it points to the gross insensitivity of journalists. Due to blog activism of Manisha a reporter reaches to her for interview and puts the question _ How is the sexual life of gender disable in the city? Quite a baffling one for Manisha. She explains that they can not have sexual life BECAUSE they are disable. But reporter does not stop here and further explains, I am talking anal sex...

    Manisha understandably gets annoyed and dispatches the scribe home. Fine, She addresses the blogosphere and explains if anal sex involves some sexual pleasure it is for the one who uses the body of eunuchs.

    हमारे जैसे लैंगिक विकलांग लोग यौनांगों से ही अपाहिज हैं तो फिर हमारे लिये क्या सेक्स और क्या सेक्स का अनुभव?...

    ....अरे, लिंग या योनि तो बस कार्य का उपकरण हैं आनंद की अनुभूति तो मस्तिष्क में होती है लेकिन जब वह अंग ही हमें ईश्वर ने नहीं दिया तो हम आनंद की अनुभूति कैसे करेंगे ? 

    The post  got a bit graphic but this post by Manisha which was again posted on Visfot is a must reading to see the new frontiers of Hindi Blogging.

    There is really some confusion about where to get the live coverage of IPL (India Premier League) Matches. Confusion Stems from the so called ban on website to cover the live streaming of IPL match. Bull shit...Isn't it. Anyway if you are looking for TV coverage things are straight, matches will be available on Smax. For example today's match will be available on SMax 8:30 PM onwards.

    But issue is the live coverage on Internet...It is not clear that whether Cricinfo or rediff like organisation will dare to live stream or just start crawling. But one place you can bookmark for score and live coverage is the official Website of IPL. Here is the Link. 

    But the fact is that most people are wondering on internet with different keyword, here are some really simple keywords that are not leading the surfers to above link. wake up BCCI.




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