
Semantic Web, the wiki and the future of Internet

Hey!!! You just don't expect these words to figure in Hindi Blog Reporter, Do you? I won't blame you, I know you don't. Content on Hindi Bloggers is really overloaded with ill refined poetry... Oh maa..Hai maa type.  But there are some who stand apart Unmukt is one. In my blogging years I've come across some blogger who are techies and some of them are easily very good but most of these are good practitioners of it no less on more. They are not necessarily tech history geek... You change the paradigm and many will either be lost or will dig to learn new lingo of future, only few will pre empt it- I see Laltu, Unmukt and Sunil Deepak in this league, While Debashish in programmers league..May be Cyril is the only one who will be there in both. No offence intended... It is just a small speculation from a smalltime blogger.

Why this off the track name calling, It is because of this post from Unmukt. This nice Bapu of Munna gives nice analysis of semantic web and its future course. If you have lots of questions..What is semantic web? Why can't wiki be replicated to data or say codes? Why do all the geek in the worlds keep wasting their energies in replicating the inventions of wheel? Then Unmukt is the blog you should read...

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  1. उन्मुक्त  

    3:05 PM

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