
Women's day and Hindi Blogs

Thanks to Chokherbali, now no matter how much you love or hate the gender issue, you just can't ignore it. If you happen to move around in Hindi Blogs then this is one international keyword that get some space in Hindi Blogs.

Some important Hindi Posts that concerns the Women's Day are

८ मार्च को महिला दिवस

तमाशा है महिला दिवस, अपने घर की स्त्रियों को तो आजाद करो

नारी तुम केवल सबला हो

महिलाओं के लिए बजट की माया

नारी मुक्ति (don't go by stale title, its a nice piece actually, come on Kanchan be innovative about headings)

चलो अब महिला दिवस भी मना ही लें!

There are likely to be some more. Keep Blogging


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  1. Pravin Dubey  

    11:43 AM

    its true....

  2. कंचन सिंह चौहान  

    8:50 PM

    Oh! It's five years old post...OKAY now will be innovative :)