
Click Fraud and Soft Porn... Indian online image

On Masijeevi I am discussing how Hindi adsense gives you hopelessly meagre amount as per click money. Cost of Hindi keywords or keywords that are associated with Hindi blogs is really low, it leaves Hindi bloggers no chance of becoming truely pro. Since adword are auctioned, therefore one can't really blame Google. Reason lies in the very bad image of indians as online (non) shoppers. they do spend time on net browsing, searching and chating but seldom they bother to swipe their card. As a result most advertiser geo-exclude India from their campaign. So bad is the image that many site owners believe that if more traffic is coming to their site from India, means it will hurt them. They also believe that India shoul be suspected for click fraud.Take excerpts from this thread for example


Traffic from India - Does it hurt you?

I spent a month in india last year....right now the thinking is like it was in the US in 1995 .... people don't see why you would want to purchase anything online. It is catching on a bit but for the most part doesn't happen from what I've seen.

The only thing I saw people doing in their spare time in the Internet cafes was surf porn and click on Adsense ads.... (yes they have signs all over place advertising to make money doing this


I don't know it it actually "hurts" my site, I have alsways suspected that when traffic comes from india the impact on revenue and overall performance is very poor for me

BUT some believe otherwise

I think india traffic pays reasonably well for content targetted towards the india market where advertisers can expect a good conversion. It may not pay very well for clicks on ads relating to high value luxury items or software. Here the clicks may be more due to curiosity rather than with an intent to defraud an advertisers.

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